Faculty of Engineering

Islamic Da'wah

Faculty of Engineering

Universitas Islam Riau


Campus da'wah is the implementation of Ilallah da'wah in the tertiary sphere. Its aim is to call academics to the path of Islam by utilizing various formal and informal facilities on campus.

The objective is to form an academic community that embodies ideality, rationality, intellectuality, and professionalism, with a strong commitment to Islam. The campus is optimized in an effort to achieve Islamic revival.

The UIR Faculty of Engineering academic community has undertaken several initiatives, including the Seven Minute Lecture (Kultum) and Tadarus Al-Quran during the Month of Ramadhan 1443 H. These initiatives were held at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau.

Silaraurrahim event to welcome the Month of Ramadhan
as well as lectures held regularly every year with the FT UIR academic community.

Halal Bihalal

Annual Halal Bihalal events are regularly held with faculty leaders, FT UIR lecturers, and staff.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"